If you've been a patient of mine, and have low back pain, odds are, I've talked to you about a lumbar roll for your office desk!
Lumbar rolls are great for low back pain, posture, reducing stiffness, and help take some pressure off your back.
But first, let's go over some anatomy! Your lumbar spine has a lordotic curve, meaning the curve peaks towards the front of your body. Your spine is made up of curves, and that is how the forces get properly translated throughout your spine. If your spine would straight, we wouldn't be able to move!
Here is a picture of what I'm talking about:

As a chiropractor, I like to find small ways that we can improve your function and reduce your pain in your daily life. Often, this includes adding lumbar support to your chair or car. Odds are, you are one of the millions and millions of Americans who sit for the majority of the day, so you may benefit from this!
A lumbar roll offers lumbar support, helping to emphasize that lordotic curve. In turn, this helps you sit up straight, reduce the flattening of your back, and take some pressure off the area.
If this sounds like something that may help you, you are in luck, because it is super cheap and easy!
Option 1: Purchasing a lumbar roll. They make countless types, and most are affordable and found on Amazon.
This one is my favorite, and it is on Amazon (no, I unfortunatly don't make any money off of this!). You can click HERE
Option 2: You are a money saver, and would rather DIY it yourself. Good news, you sure can! I recommend something a few inches thick, that you can roll up, as above. This can be something like:
A rolled up towel
A rolled up thick sweatshirt
A circular pillow
Something else circular and firm
And that's it! You just place it in the small of your back. It might take a few days to get used to, but I'm sure that in a week or so, you will notice a big difference.
Your lower back (and chiropractor) will thank you!